“Stella’s Very Special Summer“ is a heartwarming novel that takes readers on a nostalgic trip back to the 1950s. Set in the mountains near the Catskills, the book follows Stella, an eleven-year-old girl, and her family as they spend the summer of 1955 in their cabin by the river. With no TV or iPads, the family spends their time exploring the forest, fishing a beautiful river and enjoying life’s simple pleasures. The book’s highlights of Stella’s favorite pastimes are found in the descriptions of picking mayapples, sweet corn, night crawlers and lamprey eels.
Mayapples are a type of plant that grows in the forest, and Stella and her friends enjoy a tradition of picking them each summer. In the book, Stella describes the excitement of finding the first mayapple of the season and the joy of sharing the experience with her siblings. Mayapples are edible fruit that is rich in Vitamin C and have a sweet and tart taste. Stella and her family use the mayapples they pick to make jam and pies, which they enjoy throughout the year.
Sweet corn is another treat that Stella and her family look forward to each summer. In the book, Stella describes the experience of going to an elderly couple’s farm to pick out the sweetest and freshest corn. She also shares the family’s secret for cooking the perfect corn, which involves soaking the ears in water before grilling them over an open fire. The joy of eating fresh sweet corn with butter dripping down their chins is a highlight of the summer for Stella and her family.
Lamprey eels may not be everyone’s idea of a delicacy, although the adult size is quite a desirable delicacy when smoked, but the young elvers are a favorite bait for fishing in the river. In the book, Stella describes the experience of digging lamprey eels with her father and brother and the satisfaction of knowing that they will be able to sell them to the fisherman to supplement their income. Lamprey eels are a type of bait that are slimy and difficult to handle, but Stella and her family harvest and nurture them because they are the favorite bait for their customers.
The descriptions of these simple pleasures in “Stella’s Very Special Summer“ highlight the joy of slowing down and enjoying the little things in life. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to overlook the beauty and simplicity of nature. Stella’s story reminds us of the importance of taking time to appreciate the natural world and the joy of spending time with loved ones.
In addition to the descriptions of nature, the book also touches on important themes such as family, community, and resilience. Stella’s family faces financial challenges due to the medical expenses of her younger siblings’ tonsillectomies, and the threat of losing their cabin is a constant worry. The family comes together to help each other and find ways to overcome their challenges.
The book also includes a subplot involving a Mafia gangster named One-Hand Sid, who roams the mountains and becomes a critical piece of the family’s puzzle to keep the cabin. This adds a level of suspense and intrigue to the story, making it a page-turner for readers of all ages.
“Stella’s Very Special Summer“ is a book that will resonate with readers of all ages. The descriptions of nature and simple pleasures will transport readers to a different time and place, while the themes of family, community, and resilience will inspire and uplift them. The book is a reminder of the importance of slowing down, appreciating the natural world, and finding joy in the simple things in life.